Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ultram – Choosing the Right Type of Painkiller

When facing pain in any of its forms there are a lot of medications to choose from. However, what most people do not understand is the fact that different drugs are applied in different situations, and choosing the right painkiller might be not as simple as it seems. So it’s important to understand what kind of effects each type of analgesics delivers and where it could be applied. That’s exactly what you will find in this brief description of common painkiller types. So here are the most common types of analgesic drugs you will find in your local pharmacy:
It is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter medications for pain management. Acetaminophen can be found just anywhere and it’s a really cheap drug that gives you first aid assistance in case of mild to moderate acute pain. However, it’s not very effective for relieving severe or chronic pain. It is important to respect the right daily dosage with this drug, since it can lead to liver and kidney dysfunctions if taken in excess or for longer period of time. Avoid taking it with alcohol. And take not that acetaminophen is a very common component in other medications as it can be found in hundreds of prescription and non-prescription drugs. So read the label carefully when using any drugs in order to avoid an overdose with acetaminophen.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are commonly used to reduce inflammation and calm acute pain associated with it. These drugs help with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. However, they aren’t typically regarded as painkillers since their main purpose is to address inflammation rather than relieve pain. Still, many patients with inflammatory conditions use NSAIDs and find them very effective for relieving painful symptoms.
Narcotics pain relievers (opioids and opiates) are the most effective drugs when it comes to addressing severe pain rapidly and effectively. There are different types of narcotics, ranging from very potent drugs like Dimedrol that are only used for relieving pain after surgeries to drugs like Ultram that are commonly used under prescription. However, with narcotic painkillers the right dosage is crucial, otherwise you risk experiencing side effects or developing dependency. So it’s highly discouraged to take drugs like Ultram without your doctor’s consent and exceeding the typical dosage. It may harm your health.


  1. I really liked Ultram. It is an excellent pain reliever and also helped with my depression. The doctor took me off of it because it interacts with my Prozac that I take for depression.
