There’s always something faintly alarming about information when you start putting numbers into the news. Tell someone there’s a chance of rain and they nod without worry. Change that to a warning there’s a 90% chance of rain and they reach for their umbrella. Putting numbers on risk or indicating the size of the population at risk makes the danger seem more real. So just writing that millions of men suffer from erectile dysfunction is vague and not alarming. Say there are tens of thousands new cases of impotence in the US every year and suddenly you’re doing sums on the back of an envelope. There are how many million living in the US? Are there an equal number of men and women? How many children are there? So the risk of… Hey, that’s serious! And don’t forget that these tens of thousands are just the men who admit the problem. Millions more either suffer in silence or quietly buy the treatment online.
Once you get your head around the scale of the possible problem, two thoughts come to mind. Sexual performance in the bedroom is the basis of almost all stable relationships. If the erection fails, many relationships also fail. Secondly, if there are 90,000 new cases of impotence plus all the current ones, there must be millions of unhappy women. Since relationships usually rely on sex, this leaves many women with no active partner which must be deeply frustrating. Without having to resort to the use of drugs, there’s always good news from the medical community about alternative remedies. In this case, the simple and natural treatment is a regular routine of physical exercise.
When it comes down to simple plumbing, the usual reason why men do not get an erection is that the arteries into the penis do not carry enough blood. This is a problem with the circulation of the blood in general and the muscles in the artery walls that do not dilate as they should. If men become more active, this improves the circulation system and encourages a harder erection. But, to be effective, this exercise must be regular, sustained and sufficiently energetic to build up muscle tone and increase the heart rate. It’s not enough to go for a gentle walk once a week. You need a daily vigorous exercise routine which builds up fitness.
You could just reach for the viagra and boost your performance with little effort. But exercise is good for you in a number of ways. You look better and become more attractive as you lose some weight. You also feel better in yourself. To stay motivated, pick exercise that you enjoy. You could go dancing or plant vegetables in the yard and enjoy fresh produce as part of your diet. Whatever you do, you can buy viagra while you are rebuilding the strength in your body. When sexual power is restored, put the viagra away until you are older and stay with an exercise program that lets you dance your way to success on the dance floor and in the bedroom.
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