Thursday, February 3, 2011

Natural Living – Top 5 Products You Should Have In Your Natural Medicine Cabinet

Are you looking for a natural alternative to traditional medicine and expensive doctor’s visits and prescriptions? Let’s face it, we all know that here in the U.S., the cost of medical care keeps going up while the quality of care continues to decline with no solutions in sight either.
While I don’t advocate dropping your medical insurance all together, I do believe that there is a natural alternative you can use before you call your doctor and that’s natural homeopathic remedies. Natural homeopathic remedies are safe to use, highly effective, have no side effects, don’t interfere with any existing medicines or prescriptions you may need to take, and they’re cost effective too which makes them perfect for families with children.
The truth is you can start living a more natural life now by starting your own natural medicine cabinet for your home with natural homeopathic remedies which are affordable and you can easily find them at your local farmer’s market or whole foods store.
To help you get started putting together your natural medicine cabinet, I’ve put together a list of the top 5 products that you should start with and which are simply a must to have on hand in your home at all times.
1. Rescue Remedy:
The most important product you should have in your natural medicine cabinet is Rescue Remedy by Bach. Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 Bach Flower Essences which is highly effective in treating emotional trauma or shock as in the case of acute emergencies or crises such as accidents. However, you can also use Rescue Remedy for any stressful situation which evokes stress, fear or anxiety such as upsetting bad news or an upcoming job interview. Rescue Remedy is safe to use for yourself, your children and even your pets. It’s an excellent natural product to keep on hand at all times for any type of emotional upset or trauma. Rescue Remedy will help restore you to a normal emotional balance so you can deal with the situation calmly and confidently.
2. Arnica 30C:
Another great natural product to always have in your natural medicine cabinet is Arnica 30C. Arnica (arnica Montana), is a perennial with yellow-orange flowers, that has been used medicinally for centuries by Europeans. Although there are many medicinal uses for Arnica, it is commonly known as THE number one injury remedy for sprains, bruises, muscle aches, or wounds. However, Arnica also provides quick relief from pain, shock and trauma. Arnica is proven to help the body to heal from injury as well as to reduce swelling and pain. You can find arnica in a topical ointment, salve or spray as well as in pill form to be taken internally as a homeopathic remedy.
3. Traumeel Cream:
Traumeel Cream is another amazing natural product as it is commonly known for the past 30 years as a natural pain-reliever. Traumeel, made from all natural ingredients, has been used to effectively treat sprained joints, strained or pulled muscles, bruises, arthritis, post-surgical pain, and inflammation & swelling. Traumeel is very powerful yet safe and easy to use and is generally found in an ointment or gel to be used topically. Traumeel is definitely a powerful product to keep in your natural medicine cabinet at all times for just about any minor injury.
4. Propolis:
Propolis which is a resin gathered by honeybees from tree bark and leaves, is a very powerful natural antibiotic. Dating back to ancient times, propolis was used to heal wounds, sores, and even ulcers. Propolis is commonly known today as “nature’s band aid” because it is excellent to put directly onto minor cuts or sores. Propolis with its antibiotic properties, helps heal the wound but also helps cover and protect it because propolis is water-resistant so it allows the skin to breath while it is healing from the inside out. Keep propolis in your natural medicine cabinet at all times for any minor cuts or scrapes that can and do happen as we know, often and frequently.
5. Aloe Vera:
Lastly, another must have product to keep in your natural medicine cabinet is aloe vera. The amazing medicinal and healing power of aloe vera dates back thousands of years. With its cool, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, today aloe vera is most widely used in the healing of wounds, frostbite and burns including sunburn. Aloe vera with its ability to penetrate the layers of the skin easily and be absorbed quickly, is also a natural moisturizer and skin conditioner containing valuable vitamins and nutrients that are able to be carried to and reach the deep innermost layers of the skin, thereby healing and conditioning the skin from the inside out. Aloe vera is very effective and safe to use. Keep a jar or tube of aloe vera on hand at all time for minor burns, scarring from wounds, sunburn, insect bites, and poison ivy.
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